
Re: [fw-mvc] Seperate Public Directories Using Same Model & Config

On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 2:48 PM, Steve Uplift <djuplift@rawelements.net> wrote:


I am developing a website, which also has an admin site. Both of these are
effectively different sites, or at least in terms of Zend MVC, seperate
public directories. I need both sites to use the same model (as the
databases are the same, I would be duplicating a lot of the code if I coded
them seperately), and the same config file.

What's the easiest way to do this? I know it's easy to create modules to use
seperate controllers, views and models but they use a common public
directory. I thought of just putting the model and config folders outside of
both but this just feels a bit messy.

Any ideas anyone?

Not sure I completely understand the problem. What's wrong having a default module, an admin module, and a standard directory structure? And why would you want your application files (as opposed to your public resources) stored in a public (web-accessible) directory?

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David Mintz
