(on Wednesday, 28 October 2009, 08:38 AM -0400):
> Why is there no way of registering a helper that you've instantiate yourself
> with an instance of Zend_View? Why is the only way to instantiate one through
> the plugin loader? What if I wanted to control the instantiation of a view
> helper (for DI purposes, let's say). Or what if I wanted to add a view helper
> which didn't conform to the Zend\Pear naming standards (let's say it used php
> 5.3 namespaces). Is there a reason the design is this way?
There is not a way to do this currently; it was not a part of the
original design specification.
If you would like to see this in a future version, please put in a
request on the issue tracker, or create a proposal indicating how you
would envision this working.
Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Project Lead | matthew@zend.com
Zend Framework | http://framework.zend.com/