
Re: [fw-mvc] Problem with a simple route

I ran into the same problem when I added member profiles to my website. I ended up with a route like /members/:username.

There is an alternative, but it also come with its own problems (which might be minor but still something to think about).

You could subclass Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Abstract to create your own route that performs a db lookup of the username, and if it doesn't exist, return false in the match() method. This would allow you to use a route like /:username for profiles.

There are a few problems with this approach though... 

1) You need a db lookup on each and every request, unless you put in blacklist. 

2) You'll need to make sure that certain usernames don't break your site. If you have a login page at /login, and some user creates an account with a username of "login", they would either break your login page or not have a profile.


On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 11:02 PM, Mert Oztekin <moztekin@anadolusigorta.com.tr> wrote:
Hi Richard,
www.mydomain.com/someusername for your user profiles is not a good idea. Because you cannot use your other Controllers. (You cannot be sure that there wont be a same username with your controller names)
You should do somethink like
    protected function _initRoutes()
        $this->router = $this->frontController->getRouter();
        $route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route(
                'controller'   => 'view',
                'action'       => 'profile'
        $this->router->addRoute('profile', $route);
From: Richard Knop [mailto:risoknop@gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, October 03, 2009 4:31 PM
To: fw-mvc@lists.zend.com
Subject: [fw-mvc] Problem with a simple route
Hello everyone,

On few following lines I will try to explain my problem as clearly as I can. What I am trying to do is match URLs like this:


To this:


To achieve this I have added this code to my bootstrap file:
    protected function _initRoutes()
        $this->router = $this->frontController->getRouter();
        $route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route(
                'module'       => 'default',
                'controller'   => 'view',
                'action'       => 'profile'
        $this->router->addRoute('profile', $route);

Now my problems:

1) When I go to www.mydomain.com/someusername I get this error message:
Message: username is not specified
Stack trace
#0 C:\wamp\www\hunnyhive\library\Zend\Controller\Router\Rewrite.php(441): Zend_Controller_Router_Route->assemble(Array, true, true)
#1 C:\wamp\www\hunnyhive\library\Zend\View\Helper\Url.php(49): Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite->assemble(Array, NULL, true, true)
#2 [internal function]: Zend_View_Helper_Url->url(Array, NULL, true)
#3 C:\wamp\www\hunnyhive\library\Zend\View\Abstract.php(342): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#4 [internal function]: Zend_View_Abstract->__call('url', Array)
#5 C:\wamp\www\hunnyhive\application\modules\default\views\scripts\view\profile.phtml(17): Zend_View->url(Array, NULL, true)
#6 C:\wamp\www\hunnyhive\library\Zend\View.php(108): include('C:\wamp\www\hun...')
#7 C:\wamp\www\hunnyhive\library\Zend\View\Abstract.php(833): Zend_View->_run('C:\wamp\www\hun...')
#8 C:\wamp\www\hunnyhive\library\Zend\Controller\Action\Helper\ViewRenderer.php(903): Zend_View_Abstract->render('view/profile.ph...')
#9 C:\wamp\www\hunnyhive\library\Zend\Controller\Action\Helper\ViewRenderer.php(924): Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer->renderScript('view/profile.ph...', NULL)
#10 C:\wamp\www\hunnyhive\library\Zend\Controller\Action\Helper\ViewRenderer.php(963): Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer->render()
#11 C:\wamp\www\hunnyhive\library\Zend\Controller\Action\HelperBroker.php(277): Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer->postDispatch()
#12 C:\wamp\www\hunnyhive\library\Zend\Controller\Action.php(523): Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker->notifyPostDispatch()
#13 C:\wamp\www\hunnyhive\library\Zend\Controller\Dispatcher\Standard.php(289): Zend_Controller_Action->dispatch('profileAction')
#14 C:\wamp\www\hunnyhive\library\Zend\Controller\Front.php(946): Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard->dispatch(Object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http), Object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http))
#15 C:\wamp\www\hunnyhive\application\Bootstrap.php(100): Zend_Controller_Front->dispatch()
#16 C:\wamp\www\hunnyhive\library\Zend\Application.php(335): Bootstrap->run()
#17 C:\wamp\www\hunnyhive\public\index.php(33): Zend_Application->run()
#18 {main}
Request parameters:
array(4) { ["username"]=>  string(5) "admin" ["module"]=>  string(7) "default" ["controller"]=>  string(4) "view" ["action"]=>  string(7) "profile" }

When I go to www.mydomain.com/view/profile/username/someusername everything works fine though.

2) Second problem is that when I go to URLs such as www.mydomain.com/somecontroller (and somecontroller is and existing controller) I also get a huge error because the URL is matched to the www.mydomain.com/view/profile/username/somecontroller.

How can I solve this problem?
View this message in context: Problem with a simple route
Sent from the Zend MVC mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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